Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sarah Palin Praises Point Clear Alabama And Announces A New Tour With Franklin Graham

By Kathleen

Sarah Palin spoke as the keynote speaker at a fundraiser for exceptional people last night and astonishingly apparently still believes that President Bush laid the ground work for the operation that led to the killing of Osama Bin Laden and that President Obama's name need not be mentioned. Her petty and divisive remarks were again totally at odds with the mood of civility, relief and pride in President Obama that most Americans presently display. Even Obama critic Dick Cheney praised President Obama by name for his handling of the operation.

Palin went on to call for the release of photos of Osama Bin Laden after his death in order for the world to know that the United States will not be challenged. I wonder what Palin will have to say if the release of such photos by the White House incites even more hatred against the United States and its citizens? Meanwhile as Palin baits and taunts it will be President Obama who has another tough call to make. She's not Presidential material -- she's a rabble rouser who is quickly losing her rousing ability.

During her speech Palin also announced that today she will visit parts of tornado torn Alabama with Franklin "doubting Palin will run and Obama should show his birth certificate" Graham of Samaritan's Purse as part of his rebuild Alabama spiritual band-wagon. Graham says that the "primary mission is to provide spiritual need and counselling" which is "just as important in times of need as physical donations." So no need for Palin to whip out the cheque book then is there?

Franklin Graham is absolutely 100 per cent certain that people like Osama Bin Laden will be thrown into hell and so will the rest of us if we don't adhere to his particular brand of "Christianity." That doesn't seem fair to me, however, according to Graham, "Jesus took our sin and now we have to pay with our belief in him in order to have eternal life." Bill O'Reilly plays the "innocent massacred children" trump card arguing that Graham's dogma should not apply to everyone and that he personally cannot imagine that God would reject such children. Graham says "forget the children" in order to make his point. His God doesn't differentiate -- when it comes to belief in Him there is no wriggle room.

Franklin Graham forgets "the children" when it suits his authoritative view -- most of the time he is reaching out to save them via boxes filled with balloons, pencils, socks and most importantly cash. Cash for administrative purposes, of course. He's counting children's souls by the millions.............

Besides his faith in cash for children's souls Graham also believes that the damage and destruction that he saw in Alabama at the weekend was amongst the worst he had ever seen in the world -- including the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. That statement explains a lot about Graham's beliefs. Perhaps biblical scenes of destruction do not count for much when the country is not a christian one? To Graham it would seem that a disaster in the USA is worth at least a hundred times the disaster that occurred in a non believing country. Franklin Graham's ignorance shines like his greasy head of hair. Please do not support him or his organisation. If you want to make sure that your donations will be used appropriately then there are a number of legitimate organisations that you can contact here.

Finally, Sarah Palin needs to be put back in her place as the hockey mom from Wasilla. She's fast running out of time and fast running out of ideas. She's not the crowd teaser pleaser that she once was either. Oh she may elicit the occassional kaboom from her aging audience and her most ardent supporters but she herself has shown that she is not in step with the mood of the rest of the country and she never will be.

And yes -- the jacket is awful.

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